
To improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of non-equilibrium phenomena associated with fluid flows, the symposium reports current advances in theories, computational methods, and experimental techniques related to, but not  limited to, the following topics:

Non-equilibrium interfacial dynamics

 · Non-equilibrium evaporation/condensation processes;

 · Droplet/bubble nucleation and growth under non-equilibrium conditions;

 · Multiscale modeling of contact line dynamics, etc.


 · Space vehicle re-entry;

 · Reacting and radiative flows;

 · Hypersonic flows;

 · Gas/surface interactions;

 · Ablation, etc.

Surface confined nano-scale transport phenomena

 · Heat and flow in ultra-tight porous media/nano-pores;

 · Membrane separation processes;

 · Fluid surface interaction;

 · Surface confinement effects, etc.

Transport of micro and nano-scale particulates, and particle transport in rarefied fluid flows

 · Mars landing;

 · Photolithographic processes;

 · Laser-produced plasma EUV light source from excited Sn droplets;

 · Non-equilibrium processes in ash-laden volcanic plumes, etc.